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100% non-toxic!
Our Sandy Perch products are 100% non-toxic!
The natural tree limb shapes are great for your birds' feet - something concrete can not be! (What's in concrete, anyway? ... does that have an FDA approval?)
Standing trees, tabletop stands, perches, and dog beds.
Made from coffee wood, a hard wood which typically features interesting knobby
shapes. Beautiful and affordable, they are produced in Parrotopia's
own Pacific Island factory. Each stand features an easy-to-clean base with
seed catcher, a removable resin cup with stainless steel cup bolt, and
variable size branches for good foot exercise.
How to Clean Sandy Perch Products and Accessories: Clean up is so easy with Sandy Perch Products! Unlike regular concrete and
mortar-type perches, the unique Sandy Perch coating is non-porous so guano and other stains cannot penetrate and cause discolorations. With just a quick scrubbing with a regular soft scrub brush, your favorite cleanser or soap and some hot water and Sandy Perch products clean up quickly and are ready to be returned to the cage.